Friday, October 23, 2009

TULSI One of the Key Herbs that Prevents and Treats Swine Flu

Tulsi - One of the Key Herbs that Prevents and Treats Swine Flu


Ayurveda, India's traditional 'science of life,' has the remedy for swine flu in the form of the basil leaves commonly known as Tulsi.
Tulsi is well known in India for its remarkable healing properties. But the anti-flu property of Tulsi has been discovered by medical experts across the world quite recently. Tulsi improves your body's overall defense mechanism, including its ability to fight viral diseases.
Apart from acting as a preventive medicine, Tulsi can also help a patient recover faster.

It's no coincidence that Tulsi is known by the names:

* The Queen of Herbs
* The Incomparable One
* Elixir of Life
* The Mother Medicine of Nature
* Holy Basil
The stimulating powers of Tulsi have been recognized by ancient healers and sages, and Indians have long worshipped Tulsi as a sacred plant, using its branches, leaves and fragrance for purification purposes and to heighten spiritual awareness.
One of the reasons why I personally drink Tulsi tea, however, aside from the fragrant flavor, is that it is one of the most effective adaptogens (an agent that helps your body adapt more efficiently to stress) ever known.
But Tulsi also has another very beneficial "side effect," and that is helping to prevent and treat swine flu.
According to the article linked above, Tulsi may:

* Improve your body's overall defense mechanisms, including its ability to fight viral diseases
* Help speed up your recovery process if you do get the swine flu
* Strengthen your immune system
These benefits may stem from Tulsi's highly complex, unique chemistry. It contains beneficial compounds called phytochemicals -- naturally occurring compounds that plants produce to protect themselves against bacteria, viruses and fungi -- that interact and have strong antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immune-enhancing properties that promote general health and maintain your body's natural defense against germs, stress and disease.
If you are concerned about the swine flu, it is highly recommend trying Tulsi over any of the flu drugs or vaccines now being offered.

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